To Diet or not to Diet? To exercise or not to exercise? NOT! I’m
allergic to exercise and I can’t give up food. I’m exhausted; I’m so tired; I just want to sleep and eat and sleep some more. Why are those Double Stuff Golden Oreos ® so good?! Ugh! Familiar?
Why is getting back into shape so hard? Before kids, I was working up to 3 jobs-sometimes all at the same time, a cheerleader in college and had no care in the world about what I ate and not a drop of body fat in site. Had all the energy in the world and functioned on 3-4 hours of sleep. Oh the early 20’s…I miss you so much. Years later, I was 9 months pregnant and tipped the scale over 200lbs. (not a lot of weight to some, but it was a big deal for me.) Oh man, it was tough to look at the scale the last few weeks of that pregnancy. My tiny 5’6”, B cup (or bra less), 130 lb body, stomach so flat you can see my 8-pack abs, will NEVER be the same again. The hubby tried to reassure me I was beautiful, but I was not trying to hear that. I didn’t feel beautiful. I didn’t feel sexy. I didn’t feel anything, except the joys of being a first time mom – greatest feeling ever – but I want to feel beautiful and sexy again. Not just for the hubby, but for me. I want to be that care free early 20 yr old again…
REALITY CHECK: Can’t go back in time and be 20something, but I can fix my muffin top now. You know…that pudgy stuff hanging over your jeans àMuffin Top. Not attractive at all. AND buying bigger size jeans to stuff it in there is also not attractive…and is costly. It took 2 years for me to wrap my mind around working out and getting back into shape. The weight took a big toll on my self esteem. I was in a size 14/16. Every part of my body and joints were aching. My doctor strongly advised I needed to get it together. And with kids around me, I don’t have a choice but to be active. So why not get in shape now and have fun chasing the kids around and tire them out FIRST! That being said, I have decided to get my butt and muffin top in gear. No I’m not dieting, I don’t believe in it. I love food too much to give it up. However I have disciplined myself to use portion control, calorie counting and exercise. Here is my routine. I hope it helps…it’s really worked for me.
Better Eating Habits:
· In the mornings I eat a strawberry or mango Chobani yogurt, or 2 hard boiled eggs, or ½ an omlette (save the other for the next day), with a glass of orange juice. My Snack is a banana, or a cup of fresh berries, or some turtle chex mix.
· For lunch, I have ½ a salad, or ½ a chicken salad and a side of sour cream and cheddar chips, or a meatless sandwich-preferably a caprese panini, or ½ sandwich and soup from the local deli near my job. Then my snack is either fruit, or more chex mix, or 1 cookie, or some kind of chocolate to kill that sweet tooth. However when we have luncheons at work and I know there will be a lot of tasty food, I normally forgo my snack between breakfast and lunch. I will say I have been eating a lot more fruit –natural sweet stuff– at work and drinking tons of water. (PS-I also think I’m allergic to water!)
· For dinner, I eat off of a dessert plate. I’ve found that because I’m snacking more throughout the day, I don’t need to pig out on dinner and over eat.
Calorie Intake:
COUNT YOUR CALORIES! There are so many calorie counters out there. I use Lose It. After I eat a meal, I track what I eat on my phone. Sometimes I even plan my meals in the morning with the calorie counter. When I know I am going to be drinking or having some take-out, I save my calories for the weekend. No, not by not eating, by working out!
Working it out:
I do Zumba. Only. I love Zumba. It’s dancing and having fun with a great group of women and occasional men that are there for one thing, to get healthy. I do Zumba at my local rec center and at home on the XBOX 360 Kinect. It’s fun and easy. Doesn’t matter if you can’t dance or can’t get the moves. Its all about moving your body, getting the heart rate up and burning those calories. I Zumba 3 times a week. I typically am an early morning rise and shine do everything before the kids and husband get up, but I take 2 classes during the week night and an early morning Saturday class. You don’t have to do Zumba by all means, just get out and do something. And don’t forget to put your exercise in Lose It or whatever calorie counter you prefer.
Quick Tips:
· Switch to wheat/whole grain pasta – Barilla is a good buy.
· Switch to wheat/whole grain pasta –Nature’s Own Honey Wheat is pretty good.
· Use extra virgin olive oil/canola oil or salted cream butter. Yes, butter! Believe it or not, I use about 80% less salt in food when I cook with butter. I normally coat the ban with a table spoon of butter and about 3 tablespoons of EVOO…depending on what I’m cooking.
· Use turkey ground meat for any meal that calls for ground meat. I mostly cook with chicken. It’s very rare that I cook any pork or beef, unless its breakfast or breakfast for dinner. I gotta have my bacon and beef or turkey sausage.
As always, please consult your physician before doing any type of exercising and/or dieting. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I am just letting you know what works for me. It took me 9 months to get back into my size 8’s and I couldn’t be happier. I didn’t have to get a whole new wardrobe. I already had the stuff that I haven’t worn in over 6 years!!!
Even if it’s playing with the kids in the yard for an hour or so, do it! It’s sooo worth it.